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Learn about our work to advance the health of people, animals, and the planet through education, research, and advocacy.

Our Work


Image of a stethoscope in front of a blurred nature scene with the sun peeking through branches.

Our goal is to create a world of Phoenix Zones to enable everyone to rise and thrive.

As global problems that affect people, animals, and the planet accelerate, how can we respond in meaningful and impactful ways?

This broad and critical question fuels our vision, mission, and work to change lives for the better.

This is how we do it.

Education and Outreach

Our Policy Agenda

We provide free educational materials and resources for leaders, practitioners, and the public.


We partner across sectors to advance improvements in social, economic, and environmental policy.

We offer internships, training, and mentorship to students and professionals.

Our educational programs have stretched across 7 continents—yes, even Antarctica!

Our events have reached 4,000+ professionals, students, and advocates.

Our work has been published in media outlets that reach 100 million+ people.

Research and Innovation

We lead in-depth research that analyzes complex problems.

We offer innovative solutions to advance ethical policies and practices.

We track metrics of success to improve our programs.

Our team has published dozens of international articles, editorials, and reports.

Our experts have led 45+ research projects.

Our professionals have provided technical expertise to hundreds of organizations.

Leadership and Advocacy

We lead efforts to advance global and local policies that protect the rights, health, and wellbeing of the most vulnerable.


We advocate for international and national policy changes that safeguard individuals and communities against exploitation.

We work to ensure the right to a healthy and safe home and environment for people and animals around the globe.

Our team has brought together 150+ organizations in alliance or coalition.

Our coalition work has advanced federal legislation that impacts 50 US states.

Our experts have influenced global agreements that directly affect 193 nations.

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